Ponca Jazz Records became a reality during the winter of 2004, formed by Hilde Hefte the year after she formed the Publishing Company Norsk Jazzforlag.
A lot of musicians began sending their promo-CD's, with the result that she released several albums during 2005. Later the same year she received an e-mail and a telephone-call from Jon Larsen asking if Ponca Jazz Records would like to take over part of Hot Club Records catalouge - albums he meant would get a better life at Ponca Jazz Records. So by the end of 2005 the record company had grown into a larger record company than Hilde could ever imagine when it was founded.
Several leading jazz musicians are now at Ponca Jazz Records.

Ponca Jazz Records
Vat: 985 094 071
Postboks 440, 4664 Kristiansand, Norway